Come Raffaele e Luisa hanno già fatto notare, il nostro blog è spesso ricco di eventi gastronomico-alimentari. Per non smentirci ecco la straordinaria cassata di donna Beatrice, che, con il celebre Colonnello, forma una coppia spettacolare.
Cassata tanto bella, ma soprattutto eccezionale.
As Raffaele and Luisa noted, our blog often describes something related to food. To confirm this, please look at the beatiful "cassata" hand-made by donna Beatrice. She, with her husband, the famous "Colonnello", forms a wonderful married couple.
The "cassata" is so nice, and so good...
Cassata tanto bella, ma soprattutto eccezionale.
As Raffaele and Luisa noted, our blog often describes something related to food. To confirm this, please look at the beatiful "cassata" hand-made by donna Beatrice. She, with her husband, the famous "Colonnello", forms a wonderful married couple.
The "cassata" is so nice, and so good...
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