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Oggi, approfittando della bella giornata di sole, dopo un lauto pranzo, siamo andati a fare un bel giro in bici. Il classico giro di Bereguardo, con sosta al caratteristico ponte di barche. Il percorso e' interamente immerso nel parco del Ticino ed e' decisamente suggestivo, e fortunatamente piatto.

Today it was a sunny day here in Pavia; we had a big and very good lunch so, after that, we decided to ride our bicycles through the "Parco del Ticino" in the classic tour from Pavia to Bereguardo (roundtrip). In Bereguardo there is a peculiar bridge, not as famous as the Golden Gate, but it is made of boats and it is quite nice. Here you can see a picture of it.