Ecco un altro post sulla cucina giapponese. Emiko sarebbe fiera di noi. Anche se in realta' stavolta i meriti sono tutti di Fernando che ci ha invitato a cena offrendoci dell'ottimo nigiri accompagnato da zuppa di miso. E per concludere in modo coerente, gelato al matcha per tutti.
Here we go again with japanese food. Emiko would be proud of us, although this time, we have to thank Fernando who invited us at his place and prepared a wonderful nigiri together with a miso soup. And, at the end, matcha "ice cream" prepared by Silvia!!!
1 commento:
No, not completely at least. It is nice to try japanese food, but I can't survive without a good pizza or a lovely salame.
However here we don't have Japanese friends like you, so, waiting to try again your wonderful food, let's try some excercise :-)
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