Domenica scorsa, nonostante un po' di scetticismo sulle previsioni meteo, ci siamo avventurati in Val Grande, vicino a Verbania, per una passeggiata veramente bella attraverso i boschi e le cascate di questo bellissimo posto. La nostra meta era Pogallo, un piccolo centro costituito da poche baite che sorge in prossimita' di una bellissima distesa pianeggiante incastonata in mezzo alle montagne.

Una volta tornati a Verbania, anziche' tornare subito verso casa, ci siamo fermati a cena sul lungo lago, posto suggestivo e riposante, reso ancora piu' emozionante dal bellissimo tramonto che ha salutato una giornata cosi' speciale.

Last Sunday we went to Val Grande an exciting natural park around the mountains close to Verbania. Here is living our friend Gabri (she joined us during the exciting "Via del Sale") and she invited us for a nice walk through the park. Obviously we were very happy about this invitation, because this gave us the opportunity to see her (and Ivan too) again, and also to spend a lovely day within the nature.
When we came back to Verbania, we decided to have a dinner over there. Gabri suggested a nice place facing the lake and we enjoyed a lot that dinner, oth because of the food and because of the lake (particularly exciting because of the great sunset). Thanks again Gabri and Ivan for the lovely day we spent together.

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