No, non si tratta del celebre
film ma del freddo polare che stiamo sperimentando in questi giorni. Le temperature minime sono piuttosto rigide, ed e' da qualche giorno che si resta sotto zero per tutta la giornata. In piu' ha ripreso a nevicare, e questo aumenta ulteriormente la sensazione di freddo (oltre che i disagi alla circolazione). Ecco alcuni scatti che rendono l'idea...
P.S. The -5.6 C you can see in the picture on the top left corner refers to outside (although I'm inside...)

The big chill is a famous movie, but we are not referring to it, but to the cold weather that we are experiencing here in the north of Italy during this days. Maybe it is mainly suggestion, but we feel a very cold sensation, and it happens that temperature stays below zero (Celsius, don't worry too much) al day long. Now it is snowing too, so you feel cold only watching outside from the window.... So, let's keep some picture to transmit to you too the cold sensation we are experiencing....
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