La passione per la cultura gastronomica orientale di Silvia e' risaputa. Dal sushi al maki passando per la recente soba. Cosi', dovendo collaudare l'account paypal recentemente creato, ecco che la scelta per il suo primo acquisto su ebay e' caduta sugli egg-molds. Ad essere sincero non sapevo neanche che esistessero oggetti del genere, ma sono sicuro che Emiko, Kuniko e Lauren (le nostre amiche orientali) usano eccome degli strumenti del genere. Fatto sta che le uova sode a forma di macchinina o di pesce sono decisamente simpatiche. Ottimo acquisto.

As you know, Silvia loves everything about oriental foods, mainly japanese. So, after she recently created a paypal account, she decided to buy two egg-molds. I have to confess that I didn't know anything about these things before Silvia found them on ebay, but I'm pretty sure that Emiko, Kuniko and Lauren (our asian friends) have some egg-molds in their kitchens. However, let's admit that I like a lot hard-boiled eggs car or fish shaped...
3 commenti:
uhm.... are you sure this is japanese? it's kind of new to me, or maybe something new in Japan which I don't know of... interesting..
uhm.... are you sure this is japanese? it's kind of new to me, or maybe something new in Japan which I don't know of... interesting..
Dear Emiko, the egg molds we bought were made in Japan...
I'm not sure if they were invented in Japan, but to me it seems reasonable.
Here there is some link :-)
Have fun. Silvia here seems to be very happy about them...
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