P.S. Gli attenti lettori del blog si ricorderanno che la signora Beatrice e' anche l'autrice di quella straordinaria cassata postata qui; e a breve avremo l'onore di assisterla nella preparazione di una cassata, con la speranza di carpirne i segreti. Insomma, state sintonizzati, ne vedrete delle belle....
During this Christmas the subject of our posts are always about meeting with old friends. And today too we are glad to talk about the nice evening we spent with colonel Babuscio and his lovely wife Beatrice. The idea was to quickly stop at their place to wish them "Happy New Year" (we failed to see them before Christmas although it was scheduled) but they were very kind with us and proposed us to have dinner together. Although we are a little bit younger then them, to stay with Raffaele and Beatrice is really interesting and funny. They really are good friends to us. The dinner too, mainly fish based, was great (we ate at Ristorante Pizzeria "Lo scoglio"), but their presence and their pleasantness made everything special. Thanks again for the nice evening spent together.
P.S. As probably someone remembers, we already talked about them in this post; yes, Mrs Beatrice is the lady who prepared that delicious "cassata"; and she is ready to teach us her secrets. Please, stay tuned, soon we will post some delicious cake made by sacchibellis following Mrs Beatrice recipes...
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