sabato 18 ottobre 2008

Pranzo cinese

Questa settimana qui a Singapore e' arrivato anche Martin, il capo progetto che gia' avevo incontrato a Santa Clara. Cosi' Sang Kong, il responsabile del site di Singapore, ci ha portato a pranzo in un ottimo ristorante cinese. Ho mangiato alcuni piatti tipici, molto particolari ma molto buoni, ed e' stata un'occasione per fare quattro chiacchiere in amicizia, dimenticandoci per una volta dei problemi dei nostri circuiti.

This week also Martin, our project leader, came to Singapore from Santa Clara. The deadline of the project is approaching, and we are a little bit busy in these last days. However Sang Kong, the responsible of Singapore site, invited us for a special lunch at a famous Chinese restaurant at Topayo, a nice Singapore district. Food was very good, but it was particularly nice to have fun with some colleagues, and to forget (for few hours) the problems related to our circuits.

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